📣Types of emails you must send out

Have you been wondering what sort of emails to send out to your database? Emails to get them; engaged, registered, show up and re-engage with you and your webinar.

In this blog, I will cover the types of emails you must send out.

If, when planning a webinar, you question: “What do I need to email to my database?" then this blog is for you as it will make it a lot easier by giving you a process to follow.

Covering types of emails that are going to get people engaged and registered, types of emails to make sure people actually show up, and then an email that's going to enable you to reconnect with your audience.

How does that sound?

3 types of emails to promote your webinar 

1. Lead Gen Email Sequence

These emails are written specifically to encourage people to register for your webinar.

💡 Invitation Email - This is a very simple email and letting your audience know, or your potential participants know, that you're running an event or you're running a webinar. In this email, what we really need to do is talk about the details of that webinar. What is the description, what's going to be happening, the times, the dates, and obviously the link to register.

💡 Engagement Email - Now this email is to really help either dispel a myth or pinpoint the problem that you know your audience are facing and why and how you're going to address that myth or that problem in your webinars.

💡 Authority - This email is all about you. Why you, why are you the best person to be running this webinar. Why you are the best person to dispel the myth or to deal with the problem.

💡 Reminder - This is simply to remind people that it's coming up and put a sense of urgency on it.

2. Nurture Email Sequence

This is simply to make sure people show up to your whole webinar. It's all well and good getting them to register, but especially if it's a free webinar, you need to make sure that they show up. And so even this nurture sequence, they need to first and foremost, send an email directly after registration, this email, thanks them for registering and has the access details to your webinar in it.

😊 Post registration - Send this out as soon as they have registered with the link to the webinar

😊 1 Day before - Remind them it’s coming up tomorrow (make sure the link to the webinar is in the email)

😊 2hr before - Remind them it’s on in 2hrs (make sure the link to the webinar is in the email)

3. Follow up emails

Remember, if we don't follow up, we leave 80% of our business in the room, so we must follow up both attendees and absentees. These emails are designed to re-engage them. 

🤝  Attendees - We send them an email, thanking them for coming along to the webinar, we include a feedback form link inside the email and we let them or remind them of a call to action - that might be to book a call with you.

🤝  Absentees - These are the people that registered, but didn't come for whatever reason. And so here, we need to let them know that we missed them and then let them know of the next upcoming event, whether or not that is similar to, or the same as the one that you've just run.

Having these ready and created as templates will make the process of email communication for the webinar easy. Allowing you to focus on your content, physical preparation and presentation.

For more great tips on how to plan, promote and present successful events head to annaosherov.com and check out the blog!

Finally, you've liked this, if it's been valuable, please like, comment and share and I am always happy for some feedback or some extra advice. 

Remember: You Are Born To Influence Your Industry ♡ 

Anna Osherov

Hello, I’m Anna Osherov!

An event marketing expert, an Eventologist, a speaker, facilitator and consultant on How To Master Events For Your Brand and Business Growth. Since 2006 I have been working directly with business owners and organisations on their marketing and business development success. I am the founder of the Holistic Business Hub, Flintt and annaosherov.com. My clients are visionary leaders making a difference one successful event at a time.

Since COVID, I closed my business event venue and took my event training online with a program aimed at teaching coaches, authors, business owners, speakers and entrepreneurs to plan, promote and present webinars. Helping them unlock a new highly profitable revenue stream in their business.

A communicator, co-creator and a vicarious achiever, I am always happier when I am supporting the growth in others and when growth is gained as a team. If you were to ask my friends and co-workers what my strengths are, they would tell you that my positive energy is infectious and I am always on the move getting things done… 

It is a pleasure to meet you.


📣‌ ‌Are‌ ‌you‌ ‌boring‌ ‌your‌ ‌webinar‌ ‌audience?‌ ‌


📣 Soooo much information to share!