📣 How Your Poor Digital Presence Makes You Lose Clients Instantly

How poor digital presence makes you lose your clients instantly? Yes, poor digital presence really does hinder your opportunities and your possibilities.

When was the last time you audited your digital presence? Do your channels align?

When people Google you and check out your website, social media, email signature, etc. will they see consistency or will they be confused?

3 Steps To Remove Confusion And Align Your Digital Presence

👉 Step 1 - Get Clear On The Information.

Think about who we are, what we do, and how we want to present ourselves to the world. Collate your information, collate who you are, collate your “about us” info, collate information, like your products and your services. Make sure that you collect images, collect testimonials, collect the business information, sit down, and think about this as putting together content for your website.

Create a brand guide: Your fonts, colours, logos, voice. What would be a brand guide for you? Whether you've got a business or whether you are your business, create a brand guide for yourself.

 👉 Step 2 - Audit Your Channels.

Google yourself. Here’s a little tip: make sure you do that in an Incognito Window where it's not picking up your past search history, see what comes up and see what the consistency is. What does your Google My Business page look like? What does your LinkedIn, your website, your Facebook, any directory listings that are out there about you? How does all that look collated?

Now, make a list of all the information out there in the digital space about you and about your business.

 👉 Step 3 - Update Your Info.

Make sure that it's in alignment with the content that you've put together and in alignment with each other. Obviously, you need to think about the different channels and how you need to communicate on those different channels because your videos are going to be slightly different from your social media posts. So you need to think about your header images on your social media, information on your social media, the information that is on your website.


Create clarity and consistency. Your digital presence speaks for you. Make sure it is speaking the same language and gaining clients rather than turning people off and making your sales cycle a lot harder. There's no confusion. When people search for you, when your prospects are looking for you, they are informed and not confused because an informed mind and a trustful mind is all ready to buy!



For more great tips on how to plan, promote and present successful events head to annaosherov.com and check out the blog!


Finally, you've liked this, if it's been valuable, please like, comment and share and I am always happy for some feedback or some extra advice.


Remember: You Are Born To Influence Your Industry ♡

Anna Osherov

Hello, I’m Anna Osherov!

An event marketing expert, an Eventologist, a speaker, facilitator and consultant on How To Master Events For Your Brand and Business Growth. Since 2006 I have been working directly with business owners and organisations on their marketing and business development success. I am the founder of the Holistic Business Hub, Flintt and annaosherov.com. My clients are visionary leaders making a difference one successful event at a time.

Since COVID, I closed my business event venue and took my event training online with a program aimed at teaching coaches, authors, business owners, speakers and entrepreneurs to plan, promote and present webinars. Helping them unlock a new highly profitable revenue stream in their business.

A communicator, co-creator and a vicarious achiever, I am always happier when I am supporting the growth in others and when growth is gained as a team. If you were to ask my friends and co-workers what my strengths are, they would tell you that my positive energy is infectious and I am always on the move getting things done… 

It is a pleasure to meet you.


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