πŸ“£ Setting Your New Year 2022 Goals For Webinar And Program Sales Success

Are you looking to launch or increase your webinar and program registration and sales in 2022? Whilst this is exciting, it can also be daunting. A great way to do this is to reverse engineer your goals and break them down into Goals, Strategies and Tactics. These can then be added into an action plan so you are ready to kick some series 2022 butt.

Here Are The Steps To Get You On Your Way To Setting Your New Year 2022 Goals For Webinar And Program Sales Success

🎯Set Your Goals

Start with your financial goals. How much money do you want to make from your program sales next year? ie. if you want to make $100,000 and your program costs $2,500 then you need to enrol a total of 40 people into your programs

🎯 Set Up Strategies To Achieve Your Goals

1. Programs

So let's just say that your program's retail at $2,500. Looking at that as a math equation, to achieve $100,000 worth of sales for the year, we need to register 40 people into our programs in 2022. If you want to achieve 40 people in your programs. You need to think about how many people can you have per program? You can run a program with a maximum of 10 people that shows that you need to have four programs a year. Your goals are to have a hundred thousand dollars to enroll 40 people into your programs and to be able to run four programs a year with 10 people in each great.

2. Webinars

When you think about your programs, your strategy for your program is to identify exactly how many people you can comfortably have in each program so that you can really give your customers the best possible experience. If you have identified that you can have 10 people per program, and you want 40 people together means you need to run four programs a year. Now that you've identified that, think about how long each program is. Is it six weeks? Is it eight weeks? Is it 10 weeks? How long is your program? Send some sets, some dates, if you can run concurrently and they're a bit longer, or if your programs are shorter and they can run one after the other, make sure that you identify that as a strategy and then put those dates into your calendar. Schedule your sales webinars in between the starting dates of your programs and put them in your calendar.

Now you've got some strategies. Your strategy is to fill those programs with webinars. Then you move into tactics. These are things that you can execute in order to be able to achieve the strategies and to achieve the goals.

🎯 Plan Your Tactics

If you are looking at using social email affiliates, start to make those lists. So start to think about, where can you find that list? How is that going to work? Where can you source new people? What social media channels are you going to use? Think about where your customers hang out and then make sure that you put your promotional material inside of those platforms. Those are your tactics.

🎯 Create Your Action Plan

Look at your tactics and think about what actions need to be taken in order for you to do that. This is literally like a spreadsheet, you would have columns and in your columns, you would have the action that needs to be taken, have notes about that action, have the dates for that action, assign the person who's responsible for fulfilling that and then have a tick box for complete or incomplete. Inside of that spreadsheet break that down into your tactic and then the action that needs to be taken in order to fulfill that tactic. So one of your tactics is to set up a Facebook event. You need to make sure that you know how to create the copy for it, that you have the graphics for it, that you set the event up, that you invite people that you communicate with. Those are five different actions that need to be put into your action plan with assigned dates, some notes assigned responsibility, and a completion tick.


This sounds like an exciting venture. They say that a failure to plan is a plan to fail. So it's now near the end of 2021. Most of us are happy to see that year gone, but you need to make sure that you are ready for what 2022 has in store for you. Sure that you head into 2022 with a great action plan. So you can kick 2022, his butt, and really increase your registrations and your sales for your success in 2022.


For more great tips on how to plan, promote and present successful events head to annaosherov.com and check out the blog!


Finally, you've liked this, if it's been valuable, please like, comment and share and I am always happy for some feedback or some extra advice. 


Remember: You Are Born To Influence Your Industry β™‘

Anna Osherov

Hello, I’m Anna Osherov!

An event marketing expert, an Eventologist, a speaker, facilitator and consultant on How To Master Events For Your Brand and Business Growth. Since 2006 I have been working directly with business owners and organisations on their marketing and business development success. I am the founder of the Holistic Business Hub, Flintt and annaosherov.com. My clients are visionary leaders making a difference one successful event at a time.

Since COVID, I closed my business event venue and took my event training online with a program aimed at teaching coaches, authors, business owners, speakers and entrepreneurs to plan, promote and present webinars. Helping them unlock a new highly profitable revenue stream in their business.

A communicator, co-creator and a vicarious achiever, I am always happier when I am supporting the growth in others and when growth is gained as a team. If you were to ask my friends and co-workers what my strengths are, they would tell you that my positive energy is infectious and I am always on the move getting things done… 

It is a pleasure to meet you.


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