Are you too shy in your presenter Bio?
Having your short presenter bio ready to add to your event description or send to and event organiser keeps you event ready! The problem is that most of us, have been taught not to shout about ourselves and so our presenter bio's make us sound too shy because we don't want to really beef up our credibility.
So, today I’m sharing a couple of tips on how to create your presenter bio so that you’re event ready and you're able to send it out to event organisers and get better cut through.
If you’re struggling with your presenter Bio, here is a quick Formula that you can use.
Step 1: Your Name And Credibility
Your first sentence is your name and then a credibility statement. Meaning who you are and either your position in your business or what you've achieved. For my presenter bio, I start with “Anna Osherov, CEO and founder of the Holistic Business Hub, a event marketing expert.”
STEP 2: Credibility Statement To Anchor Expertise And Authority On The Topic
The second sentence is your credibility statement on the topic of what you do. This is where you can add numbers to help show expertise and experience. In my presenter bio I point out how long I have been working with my target audience – “and 14 years experience working directly with business owners”
Step 3: The Topic Of Your Workshop And Whom It’s Relevant To
The third sentence is all around the topic of your workshop and making sure it's relevant for your audience. Here we make sure that we mention the topic and the outcome for the audience once. I do this by stating “I work with visionary business leaders to take them from unknown to Industry Influencer through the power of live events.” This section is really important and we must assert authority.
Step 4: Position Statement Showcasing Your Achievements
The fourth sentence is about positioning and your achievements. Maybe you're a award winning author or you are an Amazon best selling author or you have a been nominated for some really great awards or won some really great awards. Here we shout about our achievements, things that people would “wow” about. Another alternative could be to add some borrowed credibility if you've worked at an organization that people know and talk about that, really bumped that up in this section.
My positioning statement sounds like this: “she is regularly invited to share her knowledge on business podcasts and she was recently nominated for the 2019 Telstra Business Award.”
Step 5: Be Human. Say Something Personal.
And finally, in sentence five, let's be a little bit human. Put something into our presenter buyers that is personal about yourself. So for me, I was born in Ukraine, I really enjoy going to the gym, and I spend a lot of time on Facebook and at events. So my final sentence sounds like this: “Anna was born in Ukraine. If Facebook is anything to go by, Anna spends her whole life either at the gym or at an event.” Focus on something that people can resonate with.
And once again, don't be too shy. We've really been taught to be shy, not to shout about ourselves, but we must let people know what our achievements are. Our audience needs to understand that you are the best person for the job. They need to read this in your presenter bio.
To help make your presenter bio fantastic, you add a great picture of yourself looking schmick, professional and aligned to your profession and to your audience. Make sure it is congruent and authentic. Put your photo out and get your great presenter bio ready. Once you have done this you are on your way to being event ready.
As always, it’s a pleasure to share your #Eventologist Journey!